Thursday 10 August 2017

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP stimulator)

PRP Therapy is one of the safest and easiest ways of restoring hair in alopecia patients. Much as the treatment seems effortless, PRP therapy requires specialized practitioners in order to derive the best Platelet Rich Plasma from the blood and as well administer it to the patient.

PRP consists of growth factors that can effectively restore one’s hair after a number of PRP injections.

The Concept of PRP Therapy

The fact that the blood contains healing properties scientifically known as platelets, your own blood would be ideal in awakening the dormant or damaged hair cells in the case of Alopecia.

The blood contains several components, so, it requires the centrifugation force to attain the PRP separately.

With the help of expertise, the blood is spun with high force and the PRP, which is used during PRP Treatment in India is collected.

Anesthesia is given to a patient before the PRP injection is administered at the affected  scalp region.

You can wash your head the next day.

Advantages of PRP Therapy

Can be used as a single hair restoration procedure
Can be coupled with other hair restoration techniques like hair transplant
No side effects
Take less time

Are you thinking of PRP therapy, here is what you will gain from it

The PRP therapy increases the healing process, thereby stimulating the dead hair stem cells to produce more hair

It will help you get natural and pleasing hair results

It boosts the hair results, especially after a hair transplant procedure

More sessions must be planned in case a patient wants to attain the best results

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